Thursday 3 July 2014

The Leap of Faith

As I was sitting in the hairdressing chair at the salon with tinfoil in my hair, sipping tea and enjoying the MarieClaire magazine I never read elsewhere. I stumbled upon this article which basically said..." if you want to be a writer than make yourself write. Even if what your writing is complete BS and doesn't mean anything write! "  So this is me... snuggled up in bed on a winter's morning just writing without stopping even if it comes out as complete garbage I am just going to write and then I can go enjoy watching TV on ABCiview.

So... where are we.. I am here not there. I don't want to be there but at the same time I feel guilty because I am not there because I thought I wanted to be there and in some ways I still do.

I am so glad that I took the path that I took that lead me right back here. It's disorientating though. I may have come full circle but I have come back with so many wonderful experiences and so much knowledge and hopefully some wisdom too.

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into fruit salad.

 I had a Skype conversation with a friend from the States last night that I met in my travels away (Hi Alex!). As we skyped and we discussed all things education, I realised that this Skype conversation would never have happened if I had stayed in Central Qld.

One of my favourite life analogies is from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where Indi has to leap across the chasm to reach the Holy Grail. There is a massive chasm between him and the Grail and using the clues he has he realises that he needs to take a literal leap of faith across the chasm and then after that the invisible bridge will appear.

Before, I would have said that in the leap of faith its about the destination. Now nearly a year later I would say sometimes taking a leap of faith isn't about what is on the other side but in the act of leaping itself.

Because in that act of jumping that is when you face your fears and gather life experiences that those who never jump will never know.
 In the words of Indiana Jones Snr "you must believe"

(Now go Google Indiana Jones and the Leap of Faith and watch that bit in the movie for yourself)


  1. :) I for one am glad to have you back! Regale me with your tales! ;)

  2. I love this post. Sounds like it's been quite a journey but there's so much to learn isn't there. God will reveal, over time, what it's all about. Enjoy finding your feet back at home.


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