Monday 7 October 2013

I conquered a mountain...

It's the beginning of Week 9 here at Iris Micronesia Harvest School which means my tribe (Rafiki) and I got back from Mountain Survival yesterday.

What's Mountain Survival you ask? 2.5 days, 2 nights of intense hiking and climbing through the rainforest/mountains here in Pohnpei- walking all day with only brief stops for water or snacks (if you brought some) and then sleeping under a rock overhang the first night and in a palm lean-to by a creek the second night with the only food provided being rice, tuna and oatmeal for breakfast.

For the last 8 weeks every Monday/Tuesday during family testimony time I have heard the stories of this weekend- frankly it didn't sound like fun at all! I had heard some pretty hard-core stories of people puking their guts out on the trail, getting massive blisters, muscle cramps and aches and pains, falling, steep cliffs, sections that you climb on your hands and knees, people being carried because they had hurt themselves.. I'm sure you get the picture. Granted these stories all ended with God is faithful we made it, we learnt heaps about ourselves and about how great God is  and every tribe got back to base here safely with only minor injuries. But still.. in my world hiking is what you do for one maybe two hours tops with a nice BBQ at the end and lots of sitting around enjoying the view and the atmosphere!

I knew though that I wanted to conquer it, I also knew that the reality was walking into Week 1 at Harvest School that I wasn't ready. Praise God though in his infinite grace that he knew this too and orchestrated that my mountain weekend wasn't until Week 8. Which gave me time... I started being intentional about exercising and eating well. I walked, I jogged, I did intervals... I danced... I rested... I  chose to be still and know that He is God! I also began to improve my self-talk because the truth is I am strong, healthy, blessed and beautiful!

When early Friday morning dawned I was nervous but as ready as one can be! I  had staked my claim on the Word of God which says;

"I can do all things through Christ who is my strength!
 Philippians 4:13. 
 The steps of the good [wo]man are ordered by the Lord and He (God) delights in [her] way.. though [s]he may stumble, [s]he will not fall  for the Lord upholds [her] with His hand.  
 Psalm 37:23

God blessed me so much! Within an hour of steep climbing up the slope of mountain range number 1 I was tired.. I started praying and asking God for strength and he provided it- My 3 Pohnpeien brothers (Jerry, Ranger and Larson) helped me out so much. Jerry went and cut for me this amazing walking stick which our Guide Andreas perfected with his machete. After another 10 minutes Larson came up to me and offered to take my backpack. I was pretty stubborn and said no... I will be OK- in that moment though I heard Jesus say to me are you going to allow me to carry that burden or are you going to be so religious that you think you have to carry it?

Ranger than came up to me and said let me carry your backpack Claire....  the Bible says

 Strip off everything that hinders.... and run!

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith,
let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
Hebrews 12:1

And so I gave in and gave it to him. Jerry carried Ranger's bag and his own and Ranger carried mine. Larson stayed ahead of me and offered me his hand as we continued up the steep ravine. For most of the next 2.5 days this was how it was.. Ranger carrying my bag, Jerry carrying Ranger's bag and Larson was ready to assist me whenever I needed a hand (which was pretty much the entire route). The rest of my tribe were amazing too- super encouraging, super supportive never once did I feel like a burden or a problem. We made our destinations each day in plenty of time and I really started enjoying myself!

It was in that moment that PapaGod consolidated how much I am loved. By Him who provides all that I want and need and by others. As Larson held my hand I realised that this was true family- true love.. a love that conquers all- It conquers all fear, all striving, all rejection, all past pain and past hurt and LOVE that reveals the truth... the truth that I had already staked my claims on and had been learning again and again  these last eight weeks here in Pohnpei...

That I can do all things... that nothing is impossible... that He loves me...that I am loved... that I am worth it...

These are mountains in themselves- but when they are conquered.. oh boy how victorious we are!
I am so thankful I conquered the mountain- I know that it will be one of many. If I can conquer this one there is no turning back now!

Let the conquering continue! GERONIMO!
On the trail.. Larson is in the white shirt

My  tribe (minus Williams and Hortense) after night one- sleeping under a rock overhang
from back left Caitlin, Bobby, Christie, Larson, Me, Jerry
front left Peter, Tessa, Ashley and Ranger

Victorious Conqueror!

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