So this is the oh my goodness it's the end of Week 3 here in Micronesia! It's been amazing here so much so that I'm not exactly sure where to start I may just give you all the short version in the interest of time
Week 1: Be so Free
Great teachings by Iris Relief co founder Yonni
Plus Village Outreach where we stayed with an amazing Pohnpeien family. They really blessed us and we as Tribe Africa (the Rafiki Warriors) began to connect really well.
Deep thought: every relationship has 2 goals to connect or disconnect- connecting means loving with honour
Week 2: Be so loved
The week that tonsillitis tried to overtake my body and lost!!
Revolutionary teaching by Ruanne on Redemptive gifting
Deep thought: my redemptive gifting is servant with secondary giftings of exhorter, giver and mercy which means I really need to learn to rest and relax and take life step by step
Base Clean up Weekend had the best time kayaking under the stars with my tribe and having a treasure hunt with PapaGod to find lots rubbish to make this beautiful marine park we are staying in even more beautiful
Week 3: Deep calls to deep
The author of God of Light God of Darkness Ps Daniel Kiwaka was our guest speaker. He seriously rocked my world. His book was revolutionary to my thoughts about faith and sharing the gospel cross culturally and authentically. Hearing him all week was intense but so worth it! I got some really deep insights which are still percolating in my heart and mind and kidneys ;)
Best moments: asking Ps Daniel to write a blessing in my copy of the book. He gave me Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not be in want!! I cried when I read that. Later on in the week i was able to share some vision I had about Africa with Ps Daniel he was very receptive and gracious. then he came with us on our epic Tribe Africa kayak adventure that included exploring Amazonian like mangroves in the kayaks!
Town Outreach!!!!: Praying for people in the hospital and seeing their pain go from 10 to zero and God's presence linger in hospital rooms... Plus Prison Outreach where we did a church service in the local prison. Holy Spirit rocked up and we laid hands on the prisoners and prayed for them to feel free in their hearts. Such anointing!!
Am learning how amazing rest is!!!
Lying in the hammock or even just being still and not talking is actually really freeing!!
Sounds so awesome. So excited to hear what happens next