Saturday 28 December 2013

Putting love into action

Since moving to Braamfontein my prayer has been Jesus I want more of you let me be your hands and feet. 

As I sat in a park today reading a book and enjoying the sunshine Jesus answered my prayer and brought me David. (Name changed for privacy)

I looked up from my book and saw him walking by, he looked really sad and scared and I prayed a quick prayer for peace on His life. 3 minutes later he was standing in front of me at a respectful distance and in a soft voice begged for help... His story was one of loss and devastation and utter confusion of why His loving Saviour would let him experience his particular cup of suffering. I invited him to sit down on the grass next to me and asked him his name and let him talk... I gave him my apple and my water bottle filled with cold water and he started crying. He hadn't slept the night before and had sat upright in a chair in the hospital waiting room because he didn't have anywhere to sleep and he was scared for his safety if he roughed it in a park. 

As he talked some more my heart was at peace that he was genuine and he wasn't about to fleece me of my funds or worse (this is South Africa you have to be street smart here). 

I prayed that his massive headache would go away and let him talk some more and share his story, I could tell he had a genuine faith in Christ and that he was in a tight spot with little hope... 

And so I put love into action and helped him... Because love always looks like something... It starts with looking someone in the eye and treating them like you'd want to be treated... It continues with having a listening ear and giving in whatever way Holy Spirit directs you to give and it never finishes because love in action changes you. 

As I sent him on his way with what he needed, as well as a prayer and a hug I was so thankful. 

This crazy missionary journey took an unexpected fork in the road since I arrived here in Johannesburg and I still had that nagging thought that maybe I should have taken a u-turn and gone back where I had come from... 

Meeting David today confirmed that the decisions I've made were wise and that Jesus has me exactly where he wants me... 

Plus it reminded me again to look at what I do have in my hand and be thankful.. Even for the seemingly little things like a safe place to call home and a bed to sleep in, food to eat and family who loves me. 

Thank you David for asking for help today in that moment I learnt so much. May Papa in his grace continue to meet you at every corner. 

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