Saturday 2 February 2013

An African Themed Year Three Classroom

After four and half years of being a year one teacher I have morphed into a Year Three teacher. The desks are bigger, the children are a little taller and the teaching content becomes more in-depth. I had to move classrooms again and have managed to score a double teaching space all to myself.

Well if I can't be in Africa (yet) I may as well have an African themed classroom. (are you surprised?!) I was pretty excited when I realised I could do this. I had a laminated zebra, giraffe and monkey already thanks to a friend called Lisa who gave me all her resources when she quit teaching to have her babies. Plus I used publisher to make a whole lot of banners. It's seriously my new favourite computer program.

I have my cute animal mobile from Uganda up (I need to add a photo of this) and joy of joys my capalanas! I figured you can only wear so many right? So I kept my favourite to wear and pinned the rest to my notice boards.

Plus as a bonus I had to include the note I found on my noticeboard on Thursday afternoon. My kids are so cute!
Elephant capalana from Mozambique

Lion and Zebras Job Chart

The folded capalana was a thank you
and goodbye gift from Iris Zimpeto. 

Beautiful material eh?

Visual timetable and Remember you are amazing banner

Zebra Giraffe and Monkey are wild about learning are you? Other banner reads come walk on the wildside

View from desks

Zebra again

I am blessed with a double teaching space

Cute note on my whiteboard

1 comment:

  1. Great teaching space Claire - I'm sure you can make an African Jungle or Savanna Grassland out of all that space.


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