Monday 21 January 2013

A South Sudanese perspective

I realised tonight that exactly one week ago was my last night in South Sudan. It has definitely left an impression on my heart.

I miss the sights, the smells and the sounds- The wide open space and overcast cloud build up. The smell from the cooking fires and watching the young girls make peanut butter from scratch. The posho for meal times (OK maybe only a little). The dust covering the massive tree leaves as you travel by Boda (motorbike) into town to buy pineapple and passionfruit and barter for your boda ride. (note to self 10 pounds is too much!) The constant relationship building that occurs with a simple "Salaam Taki"". Even children yelling Kawaja (white person)  as you motor on by.  Well except for the goats that wake you at 4:30am in the morning with the awful groaning and moaning  I discovered one morning this sound comes from the massive billy goat that is guarding his territory. All this is part of the glorious tapestry that is South Sudan.
The South Sudanese people too have definitely left a lasting impression.  J with her shy smiles and big dreams to be a doctor because of the poor healthcare that resulted in the death of her mother days after she was born. B with her awesome interpreting skills praying for the women in the hospital with me and eating Ethiopian cuisine til we were full to our eyebrows. P with her laugh and her genuine joy when introducing us to new people and her desire to do well at school too. Little Koala-boy with his genuine need for love and affection and a tight cuddle for at least 20 minutes every time I came near him- even after I ensured that his cracked toenail was bathed and bandaged, causing much distress.  Happy Baby who genuinely laughs at everything, including clipping and unclipping a glo-stick around his wrist 20 times in a row.  Fellow servants of the most High-  D with his big heart for the things of God and seeing miraculous healing. S with his heart for children and prophetic words and setting the record for the most children on him at one time 6!

These people have become an inexplicable part of my life now. Our stories have become entwined even if it's just for a moment. A short stretch of dusty bumpy road on life's journey. Their heart for God and to want their lives to make a difference has encouraged me to want to make a bigger impact this year too. I pray that 2013 would be the beginning of that.

As much as I would think otherwise I don't need to be in South Sudan to  see God at work. He is here in the conversation I had with the blood collection lady to check that I don't have malaria or other nastys and the Divine Appointment He orchestrated so that I could pray for her. He's in the Cheap Shop where I am able to purchase 5 coloured mats which are marked down to half price at the register so I can cover the holes in my carpet in my classroom. He's in the drive back to Central Queensland tomorrow with my Mum and in my classroom waiting for me as I set up to teach this year. He is here. I am here. Am I looking am I watching am I waiting?

I pray that the South Sudanese part of the tapestry and the Central Queensland one would weave themselves inexplicably together as I seek to serve the Saviour. Everything I do is for his glory and his purposes whether here in Australia or in Africa. I pray that you'd sense the same.

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