Monday 24 December 2012

Excerpts from my African Travel Journal Christmas Eve 2012

Today was a super busy day. Laura rang and decided that going to the piscina wasnt going to work as there would be alot happening. Instead when I got my breakfast bread the kitchen worker said how busy his day was because the kids from the Bocaria were coming for lunch and so I offered to help. Peeling carrots with a knife is a little deadly but you soon get used to it. One of the kitchen staff said that she liked the pants I was wearing and I said that we should swap and I'd have her capalana (material wrapped around the waist to make a skirt). A little later I came back with reinforcements I gave her the pants she was so excited. She gave me a choice of capalanas- which was so lovely I chose one with a Mozambican style print. Very cool. We then spent a busy morning chopping capsicum and watching Kevin from South Africa try not to sweat himself into oblivion over the deep fryer as he deep fried chicken.

We then went and helped Laura's dorm blow up balloons the boys were so excited and were running around like loons batting them this way and that. So cute!

During lunch today we were asked to help serve dinner and wash up as the kitchen staff wanted to go home. Apparently the President had declared today a Public Holiday. Before that we helped serve lunch to 105 kids from the Bocaria (Garbage Dump). Pretty exciting- chicken, chips, rice, soft drink. The kids were so excited and came dressed in their best clothes.

Serving dinner tonight went well. I washed 2 massive pots one full of rice and one for cabbage. I was covered in grease!

Later on we had a special candlelit service for Christmas. Everyone was there and everyone was given a candle with a plate for drips- including the toddlers. It was so beautiful! The kids were in awe of the lights. Definitely the way a Carols by Candlelight Service should be!

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