Sunday 23 December 2012

Excerpts from my African Travel Journal Sunday 23rd December

Got up extra early this morning and made it to the markets. Still a HOT walk even at 8am. Lots of rubbish piled up on the sides of the roads. Flattened plastic water bottles making up a high percentage of it all. Heaps of people everywhere. Bought so much- so CHEAP! Fresh pineapple- amazing! mangoes, cucumber, limes, capsicum, onion, garlic and COCONUT! So funny some random Mozambican guy was like "Hey baby!" You like my mangoes! When I shook my head he's all like no? Why not! Hahha! Was glad I asked the capsicum seller where the coconuts were. I bought 2 they were delicious! Also loved the look on the garlic lady's face when I told her she could keep the change. CLASSIC!

Church at 10am mandatory skirt wearing today. Was pretty good. The kids swarmed again and I spent the entire service with my arm around some kid. He loved the affection! These kids are so easy to love. After church we cracked open Steve's coconut. So funny to watch the process- drank some fresh coconut milk. Then we walked to the servo. Bought some wholenut (hazelnut) chocolate and some soft drink.

After a good nap I went to the baby house again. The kids were playing outside under the trees in the big playground. It was lovely and cool under the trees with the breeze. I kept collecting more and more kids on me at one point I had 6 sitting on my legs at once. One little boy just sat for a good hour in my arms. Later on I fed him dinner and he upchucked half of it on me. Heat I guess! Getting covered in baby vomit wasnt really part of the plan though.

Dinner tonight was more rice with potato (starch on starch!) with 2 smoked whole fish- head, eyes and everything. Not that bad really.

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