Saturday 22 December 2012

Excerpts from my African Travel Journal Saturday 22nd December 2012

Day 2 Zimpeto Children's Centre
Portuguese Words learned:
Ola!  Hi
Obrigado/Obrigada Thankyou (m,f)
Bon dia Good morning
Comte shama What is your name?

Slept in this morning- I must have needed it! My new Kiwi friends had got me some bread from the dining hall for breakfast. So grateful! After breakfast we got ready and then drove in the van with a bunch of others to a place near the city where we would be helping with Street Ministry.

It was a long way away and traffic was insane. Cars everywhere! Lots of utes with people standing to capacity in the back. Also saw a goat tied to a flat bed truck on top. Remarkable!

Lots of African women carrying things on their heads. Quickly worked out that they roll material and place the object on that. It makes the stuff sit flat.  The Street Ministry location took us past beautiful ocean. So pretty and flat. Lots of small wooden fishing boats bobbing on the water and capalanas for sale flapping in the breeze- so want to buy some the patterns are incredible!

Street ministry itself was a bit anti-climatic. We were told we would be helping but didn't really get to do much. They had praise and worship first and then a message. They handed out a little book that complemented the message. The mostly young men seemed to engage quite well with it all. Then they handed out bags filled with a white box that had chicken and rice, bread and an apple. With a fizzy drink too.
We weren't allowed to help hand out the food in case the people got into a frenzy about who was getting what in what order. Understandable but still disappointing. Prayed a lot for the people as we watched it all unfold.

When we got home Natasha took me to the Baby House. Oh my goodness I loved it!! The Baby House or Casa de Bebe is actually for babies who aren't newborn and toddlers. The kids were outside playing in the sand and within like 2 seconds I had toddlers swarming all over me and wanting to be picked up. Adorable Carmina was there too- my heart goes out to her. She is so needy. Jesus heal her.

Some of the kids were getting their hair braided for Christmas and put into coloured hair ties. So stinkin cute! The poor kid in question wasnt having that much fun though lots of tears! The kids soon went inside and I helped feed a little one dinner. Lots of rice! I really enjoyed my afternoon. So going back for more!

Hello little one!

Toddlers everywhere

Mario with a sandy nose

These kids love attention

It's OK I know I am cute!

Mario is a twin... I am holding his sister Carolyn in a later photo

Hair in braids with a coloured tie

Don't you just want to take him home?

Me with Carolyn

After dinner a group of us went and helped in Laura's Dorm. Laura has 30ish boys between the ages of 5-8. She wanted some help as the boys decorated for Christmas. I handed out a plethora of tape stuck a lot to noses and foreheads just for fun. Also helped pack and label the gift bags they'll get on Christmas Day. Was excited to discover that my koala clippies were going in the bags.... Also impressed that we had to label all the toys. It meant that each toy actually belonged to a child and it wasn't just communal. Loved hearing Laura's story. She is one inspiring lady- single too- which impresses me and encourages me!  check her out at 
Laura instructing the boys before the paper-chain frenzy begins

The boys hard at work

Check my progress Claire! I love doing this

Super Secret Squirrel Business... packing and labelling gifts with new friends

1 comment:

  1. Ola! Tudo bem? Thanks for sharing my little world with your friends. it was so great having you here, with the SAfricans and Kiwis, especially over Christmas. You were so encouraging! Hope you enjoy this year of shaping these little ones entrusted to your care! Love, Laura


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