Tuesday 29 September 2015

I can conquer this mountain

 I'm climbing a mammoth mountain again. The first time I climbed a massive mountain was back in October 2013 during training in beautiful Pohnpei Micronesia. 

The experience of climbing that mountain is still so vivid in my mind, the hard steep bits, the tiredness, the hard slog, the beautiful views when we'd reach the top of a section and sleeping in caves and palm huts.  The friendships on that journey and my beautiful Pohnpei brothers who loved me like a sister. As well as all those inner life lessons that God taught me throughout that helped me become the Victorious Conqueror that I know I am. 

Victorious Conqueror

Exactly two years later my mountain looks very different. Different location, different people but the same God and the same promises. 

The Mountain? Mount Masters  

When I reach the summit I will have attained a Masters in Guidance and Counselling in one year. 

At the moment I feel like I am sitting at Base Camp. Having already put in hard slog for Semester One.  I have also completed two big assignments for Semester 2 already and 50 hours of prac (with 50 hours to go). From here though the trail gets steeper and the path beneath my feet gets narrower. 

It is easy to feel overwhelmed in that moment. To give into the fear that tries to come and scare me with the thought that I'm going to fall off the mountain, that I am NOT going to make it, that I'll fail for sure or be buried under an avalanche of deadlines and word counts and counselling students on Prac. 

AND YET... God's word has NOT changed. The first time I climbed a mountain I staked my claim on these two scriptures

I can do all things through Christ who is my strength!
 Philippians 4:13. 
The steps of the good [wo]man are ordered by the Lord and He (God) delights in [her] way.. though [s]he may stumble, [s]he will not fall  for the Lord upholds [her] with His hand.  
 Psalm 37:23

This time? I'm staking my claim on them again! 


I am so thankful for the team of people that God has surrounded me with here in Townsville my housemates, my amazing life group friends, my fellow Kids Church leaders, other gorgeous women in my church who just get it and get out the pom poms and yell "Go Claire you can do it"

And of course other amazing people who aren't in Townsville like you! As well as my parents and my  brother in Brisbane who wholeheartedly believe in me.  SO many people who are there  to cheer me on, to hold my hand through the rough parts and to carry my backpack again when I just need some help. 

I am going to conquer Mount Masters and I know whatever your mountain looks like today  you CAN CONQUER IT TOO!

SO LET' S DO THIS TOGETHER  One step at a time!

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